Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Flip-book Project

To begin this project, I went to the nearest thrift store and purchased My Sister's Keeper for $1.99. This book is 421 pages long, perfect for what I was about to do. The assignment was to create a 200 page flipbook animation on a normal book. There were no instructions or guidelines; the topic was open. Before starting the project, I actually did read the book. It had a different synopsis than the movie and was quite the tear-jerker. But back to the project! 
I began with a star that grew and then ripped apart, turning into birds. I then added water, an island, a palm tree and a sun. 

The sun then set. Next, the right coconut fell from the tree into the water and turned into a wooden boat. I added a man who begins to fish happily until a fish comes along that ends up being five times the size he is and eats the boat AND him up. 

Next it begins to rain and the world floods as the water level rises and there is a fresh slate. I do some abstract animation for 30 pages until an eyeball appears that blinks and then turns into a turtle that poops and exits. It turns into more abstract art that shrinks into a deformed heart and drips. The drip slides off the page and then turns into a real heart. A human is drawn around the heart and then the human rips out his heart in anger

He then regrets it immediately, covering his mouth in shock and then goes after it to hopefully retrieve it. Next a gas meter appears and the dial runs from full to empty and turns to a pizza pie which is eaten slice by slice until it is gone. The last image is the same star that the book began with.

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